Hux Electronics : Gallery 1
Following is a varied collection of pictures of equipment (and some people). I have forgotten to take pictures of most things and many of the older photos that I have are filed away in forgotten places. Most of the stuff shown here has been repaired, installed, operated or otherwise just droolled over by Warren Huck and/or Hux Electronics. I will post more images here when I get them. I repair and/or install a wide range of pro audio stuff, the following is only a small sample.
Allen & Heath ML-5000 console in the Brolga Theater, Maryborough, drives a neat Meyer Sound UPA rig, serviced by Hux
Bobcat Ballet in 2003, an outdoor live theater event, Mt Isa, I was hired as trouble shooter and systems engineer, a great show.
Midas XL-3 console for Bobcat Ballet in 2003, MT Isa, driving a more than capable 40Kw Martin PA system. The PA left and right stacks would have been about 70 metres apart, the multicore run from the band position (at the rear of the earth stage) to FOH was 110 metres, the return lines directly from FOH to the left or right stacks were 50 metres. Mixed by Brett Cheney.
Amek "Big By Langley" console at CAAMA Music, Alice Springs, installed in 1995 by Hux.
A mighty bit of digital audio history, the Lexicon "Opus", one like this was installed at The Voice Plant, Brisbane but is now retired. The image shows only the control surface which has plasma meters, P&G faders and a very solid feel. The control surface plugged into a 7 foot high 19" rack which housed the audio electronics and power supplies. All very high tech and leading edge in its day. The Voice Plant "Opus" was originaly installed by others in 1995 and then reinstalled by Hux in 1998, then later pulled out of service in the year 2000 to be replaced by a Yamaha 02R console and ProTools combination which also installed by Hux (I don't have a picture of the new installation, I must get one). Sad to see it go.... the world is a cruel place for old digital audio technology.
A nude Otari MTR-90 2" 24 track in mid repair at The White Room Studio, Brisbane, a great machine, serviced by Hux.
A serious Soundcraft broadcast console, "I'm a Celebrity" TV show in 2003, Northern NSW. I have not carried out any work on this console but since its such a mean looking beast it was worth including in this gallery. Tripple redundant output stages with six power supplies.
A Soundcraft Series Five Console in mid repair, "I'm a Celebrity" TV show in 2003 , Northern NSW, fantastic on-site catering, serviced by Hux.
Soundcraft Series 600, was at The Voice Plant, Brisbane, now replaced by an Amek Media 5.1, serviced by Hux.
Amek Media 5.1 console, The Voice Plant, Brisbane, a very nice audio suite, drives a Fairlight MFX system, installed by Hux in 2002.
Yamaha 02R console, The Voice Plant @ BEEPS, Brisbane, another very nice audio suite, drives a Fairlight MFX system, installed by Hux 1999.
Ogenic "Minuet" broadcast console, Hermansburg, this is one of a series of five totally identical small radio studio's installed in Central Australia in 1994 by Hux, there have since been a bunch more small remotely located studios installed, these later studios were based around McCubbin MBC-8 consoles.
Ogenic "Encore" broadcast console, CAAMA Radio, Alice Springs, one of three nearly identical adjacent studios (on air, production and news), this studio looks much nicer in real life than this photo shows, a good sounding room that is comfortable for the operators, installed by Hux in 1994.
I have installed about 18-20 (lost count) broadcast radio style studios of various sizes but don't have many good photo's.
Soundcraft RM-100 broadcast console, Radio Lollipop, Mater Children's Hospital, Brisbane, installed by Hux in 2001.
Radio Lollipop looking across the console to the main equipment rack, a nice neat room.
Otari MX-80 2" 24 track machine in a nice cozy little machine room, Wavelength Studio, Brisbane, serviced by Hux.
A chunky SSL 4000 E console, Wavelength Studio, Brisbane, this console is used with ProTools and an Otari MX-80 2" 24 track tape machine, serviced by Hux. This console is ex Alberts Studios in Sydney and so has a lot of history.
Amek Media 5.1 recording console, Jumpstart Productions, Brisbane. The Media 5.1 is designed to be able to mix stereo through to 5.1 and 7.1 at the push of a button, this particular console has the optional joystick fitted for enhanced surround panning. Jumpstart Productions run this console with ProTools HD, a Merging Technologies Pyramix system and an Otari MTR-90-II 2" 24 track tape machine. Installed by Hux in May 2004
Harrison 2824 console used at Big Brother, Dreamworld 2004. This fine old beast is mounted in a control room that is built into a shipping container, the container is simply moved to where it needs to be. The old dear is getting a bit long in the tooth now and does not travel too well but this is still a mighty bit of audio hardware and TV audio guys seem love to using it. Serviced by Hux.
I have decided to keep each gallery to a maximum of 1 meg, see gallery 2 for more images