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Hux Electronics : Gallery 12.5

And even more photos of audio things


A Soundcraft MH4 mixing console used in foldback mode at The Tivoli.

Digital EQ in the foldback rack at The Tivoli.

Foldback EQ and foldback power amplifiers at The Tivoli.

Soundcraft "Series Five" mixing console and outboard racks at The Tivoli (repaired by Hux).

An Air Tight brand valve Hi Fi amplifier, I had never seen one of these before, repaired by Hux.

A different perspective on the Air Tight amplifier

An ATC SCM-100A powered monitor speaker box, these extremely solid boxes date back to before the time when powered speakers were common, repaired by Hux.

A rear view of the ATC SCM-100A, solid in every way.

A Soundcraft Series 760 two inch 24 track tape machine, aligned by Hux.

The Soundcraft Series 760 machine with its matching Soundcraft 3200 recording console, both serviced by Hux.

A Tascam ATR-80-24 two inch 24 track machine, aligned by Hux.

A Tieline Technology i-Mix G3 telephone codec for broadcast radio use. These amazing devices use clever data compression and modem technology to get natural sounding 20Hz to 15KHz mono down a POTS (plain old telephone service) line, basically it allows mono broadcast audio from anywhere that has a telephone. Plus it is bi-directional, so there is a return audio line from the studio to the operator in the field.

The studio end of the Tieline Technology system, the Tieline studio box is in the center of the right rack. The remote i-Mix unit just dials into the studio unit and bingo everything else happens automatically. Just for interest, the left computer is called Bruce and the right computer is called Clarence, Bruce handles all audio playout for Crow FM and Clarence handles recording and editing duties. Installed by Hux.

The operator of the above broadcast console (at Crow FM) simply pushes one button to connect the TielIne i-Mix remote unit "to-air", instant remote broadcast from anywhere with a telephone.

Now this might seem like an odd thing to have a photo of. This old 35 metre extension cable has been with me for the last 25 years and has powered the front of house mix positions at many events including the visit to Alice Springs by the Pope, the handback of Uluru and The First Australian Blues Festival (held in Alice Springs) to name a few. It is like and old friend and travels with me to all kinds of events and installations.

A Focusrite ISA-430 Producer Pack with the top off, repaired by Hux.

A very nice Lundahl LL1538 mic input transformer inside the Focusrite ISA430 Producer Pack. The LL1538 is probably one of the best mic input transformers ever made, these are also used in the Hux TC-Pre.

Samford Valley Steiner School Hall, "Music For Japan" fundraiser, May 2011, mixed by Hux. A great school hall, good sounding, clean sightlines, all good.

"Music For Japan", FOH, mostly acoustic reinforcement so not many audio channels needed for the day.

"Music For Japan", the only band with drums.

"Music For Japan", the bush band was great.