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Hux Electronics : Gallery 8

Rally For The Valley, March 2008 : Now here is another one of those times when I get to leave the workshop and go out into the world and be a live sound engineer for a day, this was a great day out with a nice QSC powered Martin Audio rig supplied by my old mates at Nicholson Audio, the only down sides were a 6.00am on-site start and a low crowd turnout.

The cute but powerful "Honey Rig" front of house rack, all multipined and ready to rock in moments, I originally had a mix-tent but had to swap for a mix-brolly to keep the stall holders happy.

The main act was Peter Cupples, an absolute pleasure and a breeze to work with.

Peter Cupples from the front, sounded great even if I do say so myself.

On the left, a Studer A-807 1/4" machine which has been modified to run at 30 IPS, on the right an Ampex ATR-102 1/2" machine with Aria Electronics, the ATR can run at 4 speeds but is optimized for 30 IPS, the performance of the ATR and Aria combination is stunning, both owned by Matthew Gray Mastering, aligned by Hux.

A DiGiCo D-1 digital live console owned by the Ipswich Civic Hall, serviced by Hux.

An Ampeg SVT-2-Pro owned by IJS Concert Sound, this amplifier now has 6 x Svetlana KT88 fitted and it rocks, sounds huge even at very low volumes, anyone who doubts the sound of tubes (valves) should try one of these amplifiers, repaired by Hux.

An Allen & heath ML-3000 console at the Christian City Church at Bridgeman Downs, shown here with multiple blown meter lamps, repaired by Hux.

Southbank TAFE recording studio installation by Hux in early 2008. This photo shows the floor mounted cable ducts, which all happen to be in the wrong places, and it shows the tangled bunches of eight way multicore and fibre optic cables hanging out of the control room wall. It all worked out right in the end and is one of the largest studio installations undertaken by Hux Electronics

The same studio control room at Southbank TAFE, Brisbane and now with the shell of the effects rack in place. See below for how it all winds up looking. The analogue cable, connector and installation spec, electronic layout, star earth design, effects rack design and various other bits was all by Hux and in consultation with Ian Taylor, the house sound engineer.

The rear of the bantam patchbays at Southbank TAFE, installed by Hux.

Southbank TAFE, Control Room, a Sound Workshops console, moved to a new building and reinstalled by Hux.

The same console with the bright work lights turned off and the normal lighting on.

Inside the right leg of the above Sound Workshops console, this photo shows reasonably high density cabling and 4 x Hux (dual chan) Universal Balancing Amplifiers being used to balance up the two track returns and effects returns. Installed by Hux.

Southbank TAFE, Control Room, Effects Rack, this rack sits behind the engineer, installed by Hux.

Southbank TAFE, Control Room, Effects Rack from another angle.

Southbank TAFE, a bit of mood lighting out on the studio floor

Southbank TAFE, Machine Room, while the facility runs ProTools it still has full access to a good old Otari MTR-90 2" tape machine. Also shown is the monitor amplifier rack, no shortage of horsepower on the passive monitor speakers in this facility.

A Camco DX-48 Power Amplifier, this is one of ten owned by IJS Concert Sound, this is a mother of a conventional amplifier and is conservatively rated at 2800 watts per channel at 4 ohms.